12 research outputs found

    Initial Teacher Education in Hungary: Issues, Policies, Practices

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    Initial teacher education has gone through some radical changes in the past two decades: the two-cycled, Bologna-type system was introduced in 2006, but a few years later, in 2013 it was restored to the so-called undivided system. In resonance with international trends and national processes and developments, these reforms resulted in the appearance of some new elements in teacher education such as the mentoring system or the use of portfolios, while some other existing components with longer traditions (e.g. the pillar of practice schools) have gained even more importance. This paper aims to summarize and reflect on these changes and elements of initial teacher education through a critical pair of lenses, focusing on teacher preparation for lower and upper secondary education (ISCED levels 2 and 3) by contextualizing teacher education and revealing the challenges and progressive elements.Magdolna Chrappán - [email protected] Kopp - [email protected] Pesti - [email protected] Chrappán - PhD, associate professor at the Institute of Educational Studies and Cultural ManagementErika Kopp - PhD with habilitation, associate professor at the Institute of EducationCsilla Pesti - PhD, assistant professor at the Teacher Training CentreMagdolna Chrappán - University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, HungaryErika Kopp - Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, HungaryCsilla Pesti - Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hungary8/2013 Decree (2013). 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    A pedagógus professzió hazai megújításának esélyei a mesterpedagógus programok tükrében

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    The role of teaching profession has significantly increased in international and Hungarian perspectives: as one of the most significant factors in the effectiveness of  public education system, it has become a central element of educational policy. The profession is in the focus of the Public Education Strategy – thus a career model for teachers has been developed. The fourth level of this model is the master teacher level. Our study presents the results of the analysis of master programs (n=813) prepared by candidates for this level. The results are presented along with the dimensions of continuous professional development, innovation, inquiry, and knowledge sharing. The study is guided by the following research question: what outcomes did the master teachers planned in their programmes?Nemzetközi és hazai kitekintésben is jelentősen felértékelődött a pedagógusprofesszió szerepe: a köznevelési rendszer eredményességének egyik legjelentősebb tényezőjeként az oktatáspolitika központi elemévé vált. Ezzel összhangban a hazai Köznevelési Stratégiában is kiemelt szerepet kap a professzió, így kidolgozásra került a pedagógusok életpályamodellje. Az ötfokozatú modell negyedik állomása a mesterpedagógus fokozat. Tanulmányunkban e fokozat potenciális jelöltjei által készített mesterprogramok (n=813) elemzésének eredményeit mutatjuk be a folyamatos szakmai fejlődés, a fejlesztő-újító, az elemző-feltáró és a tudásmegosztó tevékenységek dimenziói mentén. Írásunkat egy átfogó kutatási kérdés megválaszolása vezérli: milyen eredményt terveztek a mesterpedagógusok a mesterprogramokban

    School-University partnership

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    Európai doktori tanulmányok a tanárképzés területén: átformáló tanári tanulás a jobb tanulói tanulásért egy kialakuló európai kontextusban

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    Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem négy másik ország egyetemével és egy szervezettel való együttműködésben 2012-ben indította útjára az Európai Doktori Tanulmányok a Tanárképzés Területén (European Doctorate in Teacher Education - EDiTE) elnevezésű projekt első ciklusát. A projekt nemrég lépett a második fázisába, melynek keretén belül az elkövetkező három évben megvalósul „A tanuló tanár” c. kutatási projekt, illetve az intézmény Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskolája által kínált programok listája is bővült. Ezen írás bemutatja a projekt múltját és jelenét, az ELTE „Tanuló tanár” elnevezésű kutatási projektjét, s annak három alkomponensét, valamint kitér az ELTE/EDiTE doktori programra is

    Studentje pedagoskih programov kot prihodnji raziskovalci: kako madzarski in avstrijski sistem zacetnega izobrazevanja uciteljev naslavljata vprasanje uciteljev kot raziskovalcev

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    Even though initial teacher education is a rather short period in comparison to the other phases of a teacher’s career, it has a crucial role in shaping student teachers’ career-long activities. Many argue that everyday teaching in a classroom setting is comparable to conducting research, as teachers pursue experimenting with different strategies to teaching and learning, as they reflect on their own as well as their colleagues’ work, and as they make decisions about their future steps based on these experiences. This paper aims to reveal how the concept of teachers as researchers is addressed in initial teacher education programmes by answering two questions: How is the concept of teachers as researchers represented in these programmes? What kind of experiences do student teachers have regarding practice-oriented research? The research has a case study design with a comparative aspect, in which one Hungarian and one Austrian institution offering initial teacher education serve as the two cases. Results show that both universities have integrated research into their initial teacher education programmes, but in different ways and to different extents. An important notion is that although various courses that deal with research and/or research methodology and could contribute to the development of student teachers’ research competences could be identified, the activities of these courses are somewhat restricted to taking place within the university walls (e.g., discussion of research results), detached from practice. The study is expected to contribute to the understanding of structural similarities and differences in initial teacher education systems in the two countries that may foster or hinder the development of student teachers’ development during their school-based teaching practice, with a particular focus on those that are required to conduct practice-oriented research. (DIPF/Orig.

    Ausztria tanárképzési rendszere

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    E tanulmány az ausztriai tanárképzést hivatott bemutatni, kitérve annak jelentőségére, történetének rövid áttekintésére, a jelenlegi rendszer főbb vonásaira és kritikájára, tartalmi jellemzőire, a különböző finanszírozási modellekre. Kitér a pályakezdő pedagógusok helyzetére, a pedagógustovábbképzés rendszerére, valamint a pálya presztízsére is, továbbá bemutatja az elmúlt években, a tanárképzés szerkezetét illetően végbement változásokat

    Student Teachers as Future Researchers: How do Hungarian and Austrian Initial Teacher Education Systems Address the issue of Teachers as Researchers?

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    Even though initial teacher education is a rather short period in comparison to the other phases of a teacher’s career, it has a crucial role in shaping student teachers’ career-long activities. Many argue that everyday teaching in a classroom setting is comparable to conducting research, as teachers pursue experimenting with different strategies to teaching and learning, as they reflect on their own as well as their colleagues’ work, and as they make decisions about their future steps based on these experiences. This paper aims to reveal how the concept of teachers as researchers is addressed in initial teacher education programmes by answering two questions: How is the concept of teachers as researchers represented in these programmes? What kind of experiences do student teachers have regarding practice-oriented research? The research has a case study design with a comparative aspect, in which one Hungarian and one Austrian institution offering initial teacher education serve as the two cases. Results show that both universities have integrated research into their initial teacher education programmes, but in different ways and to different extents. An important notion is that although various courses that deal with research and/or research methodology and could contribute to the development of student teachers’ research competences could be identified, the activities of these courses are somewhat restricted to taking place within the university walls (e.g., discussion of research results), detached from practice. The study is expected to contribute to the understanding of structural similarities and differences in initial teacher education systems in the two countries that may foster or hinder the development of student teachers’ development during their school-based teaching practice, with a particular focus on those that are required to conduct practice-oriented research.

    Mokymosi siekinių pagrindu sudaromų mokytojų rengimo programų analizė: programų kūrimo patirtis Vengrijoje

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    In the past decade, teacher education has changed twice in Hungary, and the following question arises in this context: what different patterns can be observed in the teacher education institutions’ pedagogical and psychological modules regarding the learning outcome-based training programme development? To this end, a comparative document analysis has been conducted on the training program documents provided by 7 Hungarian universities. The results have revealed a strong internal coherence only between the goals and the contents of the courses in their descriptions; therefore, besides the professional discourse, it would be important that the learning outcomes are not only formally indicated in these documents.Mokytojų švietimas Vengrijoje pastarąjį dešimtmetį keitėsi du kartus. Šiame kontekste kyla klausimas: kuo pasižymi mokytojų rengimo institucijų mokymosi siekiniais grįstų mokymo programų kūrimo pedagoginiai ir psichologiniai moduliai? Mūsų tyrime analizuojamos akredituotos septynių Vengrijos pirminio mokytojų rengimo institucijų programos, daugiausia dėmesio skiriama bendriems mokymo programų kūrimo aspektams. Mūsų tikslas buvo atskleisti šių institucijų požiūrį kuriant programas į mokymosi tikslus, ugdomas kompetencijas, turinį, vertinimo kriterijus, validavimą, organizavimą ir siūlomą literatūrą. Siekiant šio tikslo, atlikta lyginamoji į programas įtrauktų dalykų aprašų (n = 124) analizė. Rezultatai atskleidė, kad tik dalykų tikslai ir turinys pasižymi dideliu vidiniu suderintumu, todėl ateityje šiuose dokumentuose kartu su profesiniu diskursu išdėstyti mokymosi siekiniai turėtų būti pateikiami ne vien formaliai. Atsižvelgdami į minėtus aspektus ir mūsų tyrimo rezultatus darome išvadą, kad, siekiant padidinti šių dokumentų vidinį suderintumą, turi būti skatinamas įvairių disciplinų pedagogų bendradarbiavimas ir kalbėjimasis bei peržiūrimos kompetencijų sritys, vertinimo metodai, ypatumai ir validumas. Be to, programose išdėstyti reikalavimai turėtų būti susieti su mokymosi siekiniais, kad rengiami mokytojai žengtų į darbo rinką kaip gerai pasirengę ir reikiamas mokymo kompetencijas įgiję specialistai